Idle Time Detection - If your computer is idle for more than two minutes we’ll stop tracking for Rize. Currently, Rize will not stop tracking due to idle time if the website or application is categorized as “Meetings” or “Entertainment”. We’ll be adding a setting so you can customize these categories soon.

Running Rize in the Background - If you want Rize to run in the background and not take up space in your dock, just click the red close button on the dashboard. Rize will be removed from your dock but continue to run in the background. You can head back to your dashboard by clicking the tray icon and then clicking the “View Dashboard” button.
Tutorial Videos - We added a bunch of tutorial videos to the dashboard for new users. They’ll only show up during your first week of using Rize but you can check them out on our YouTube channel here. Let us know if we’re missing anything!

Macgill Davis is cofounder of Rize, a time tracker that improves focus and builds better work habits.